
EazyHold Green 4 1/2″  is the perfect kid-sized adaptive aid for ages 2, all the way up to approx 10 years old. This cuff is just the size you need for child size spoons, forks, and utensils. Now kids can finally hold that action figure, dolly, or squeaky toy!  And it can go right into the washing machine or dishwasher to keep them clean!

Grasps markers and big crayons with ease for those with limited grip. Holds secure but comfortably on electric toothbrushes, art brushes grooming tools and enables your children to participate more in self-care.

This cuff is excellent for adapting musical instruments like maracas or mallets and will also expand the options for more inclusive exploration in your child’s toybox allowing more fun at playtime!


  • Fits Children ages 2 and up to approx.10 years old
  • Harbors no bacteria
  • Wash at high temps, and dries quick
  • Easily attaches to multiple objects
  • Toxic-free, hypoallergenic and no latex.
  • Super comfy silicone assistive devices

This Green EZ has holes a little wider to help hold fatter objects like a child’s electric toothbrush, hairbrush, baton or light stick. Will also comfortably fit children’s eating utensils, paintbrushes, and other fun artists tools for control and independence. This one is a little larger than the pink to fit action figures, drum sticks, and toy box items easily for fun and self-play!

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Pack Size

One, Two

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